Used file: Entries: 27 Your provided set of 27 genes: FGSG_00006 FGSG_00036 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00047 FGSG_00048 FGSG_00049 FGSG_00065 FGSG_00076 FGSG_01770 FGSG_03516 FGSG_03536 FGSG_03538 FGSG_03542 FGSG_03548 FGSG_04511 FGSG_04678 FGSG_04708 FGSG_04866 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 FGSG_07641 FGSG_11260 FGSG_11551 FGSG_11655 FGSG_11656 The comparison is done to p3_p13839_Fus_grami_v32 containing 13826 annotated genes. 24 out of 27 genes are found: FGSG_00006 FGSG_00036 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00047 FGSG_00048 FGSG_00049 FGSG_00065 FGSG_00076 FGSG_01770 FGSG_03516 FGSG_03538 FGSG_03542 FGSG_03548 FGSG_04511 FGSG_04678 FGSG_04708 FGSG_04866 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 FGSG_07641 FGSG_11260 FGSG_11656 k Filter FUNCTIONAL CATEGORY abs SET rel SET genes SET abs GENOME rel GENOME rel SET/rel GENOME P-VALUE Bonferroni_corr FDR 16.21 complex cofactor/cosubstrate/vitamine binding 6 25 FGSG_00049 FGSG_00065 FGSG_03548 FGSG_04708 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 514 3.71 6.738544474 0.000194759 01 METABOLISM 14 58.3 FGSG_00036 FGSG_11656 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00048 FGSG_00049 FGSG_04678 FGSG_03548 FGSG_03542 FGSG_04708 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 FGSG_11260 3402 24.6 2.369918699 0.000433678 20.01.15 electron transport 5 20.8 FGSG_00065 FGSG_03548 FGSG_03542 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 398 2.87 7.24738676 0.000521215 degradation of tyrosine 2 8.33 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 33 0.23 36.2173913 0.001475492 01.06.05 fatty acid metabolism 3 12.5 FGSG_00036 FGSG_11656 FGSG_11260 157 1.13 11.0619469 0.002440277 20.01 transported compounds (substrates) 8 33.3 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00065 FGSG_00076 FGSG_03548 FGSG_03542 FGSG_03516 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 1597 11.5 2.895652174 0.004171005 01.01 amino acid metabolism 5 20.8 FGSG_11656 FGSG_00049 FGSG_04708 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 649 4.69 4.434968017 0.004533441 metabolism of glycosinolates and derivatives 1 4.16 FGSG_06447 3 0.02 208 0.005198921 16.21.17 pyridoxal phosphate binding 2 8.33 FGSG_00049 FGSG_04708 63 0.45 18.51111111 0.005287192 degradation of phenylalanine 2 8.33 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 64 0.46 18.10869565 0.005451985 metabolism of tyrosine 2 8.33 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 64 0.46 18.10869565 0.005451985 "01.01.11 metabolism of the pyruvate family (alanine, isoleucine, leucine, valine) and D-alanine" 2 8.33 FGSG_00049 FGSG_04708 65 0.47 17.72340426 0.005619125 34.11.12 perception of nutrients and nutritional adaptation 2 8.33 FGSG_00076 FGSG_03516 88 0.63 13.22222222 0.010093396 01.01.09 metabolism of the cysteine - aromatic group 3 12.5 FGSG_04708 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 266 1.92 6.510416667 0.010570436 16.21.01 heme binding 2 8.33 FGSG_03548 FGSG_06447 91 0.65 12.81538462 0.010763314 metabolism of phenylalanine 2 8.33 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 94 0.67 12.43283582 0.011452491 degradation of methionine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 7 0.05 83.2 0.012090535 metabolism of alanine 1 4.16 FGSG_04708 8 0.05 83.2 0.013806276 degradation of glutamine 1 4.16 FGSG_11656 9 0.06 69.33333333 0.015519162 32.07.01 detoxification involving cytochrome P450 2 8.33 FGSG_03548 FGSG_06447 111 0.8 10.4125 0.015711998 "20 CELLULAR TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT FACILITIES AND TRANSPORT ROUTES" 8 33.3 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00065 FGSG_00076 FGSG_03548 FGSG_03542 FGSG_03516 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 2007 14.5 2.296551724 0.016408528 degradation of isoleucine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 10 0.07 59.42857143 0.017229196 20.01.07 amino acid/amino acid derivatives transport 2 8.33 FGSG_00076 FGSG_03516 120 0.86 9.686046512 0.018202589 degradation of valine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 11 0.07 59.42857143 0.018936383 "01.01.03 assimilation of ammonia, metabolism of the glutamate group" 2 8.33 FGSG_11656 FGSG_06449 127 0.91 9.153846154 0.020248094 01.20 secondary metabolism 4 16.6 FGSG_00048 FGSG_03542 FGSG_06447 FGSG_11260 627 4.53 3.664459161 0.021605231 34.11 cellular sensing and response to external stimulus 3 12.5 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00076 FGSG_03516 350 2.53 4.940711462 0.021955529 biosynthesis of valine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 13 0.09 46.22222222 0.022342235 degradation of arginine 1 4.16 FGSG_06449 14 0.1 41.6 0.02404091 fruit body development (sexually or asexually derived spores) 1 4.16 FGSG_03538 15 0.1 41.6 0.025736755 metabolism of glutamine 1 4.16 FGSG_11656 16 0.11 37.81818182 0.027429776 biosynthesis of isoleucine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 17 0.12 34.66666667 0.029119978 41.01.03 tissue pattern formation 1 4.16 FGSG_03538 17 0.12 34.66666667 0.029119978 16 PROTEIN WITH BINDING FUNCTION OR COFACTOR REQUIREMENT (structural or catalytic) 10 41.6 FGSG_00046 FGSG_00049 FGSG_00065 FGSG_03548 FGSG_03538 FGSG_04708 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06447 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 3139 22.7 1.832599119 0.029640728 degradation of leucine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 19 0.13 32 0.03249194 02.11 electron transport and membrane-associated energy conservation 2 8.33 FGSG_00065 FGSG_05610 166 1.2 6.941666667 0.033268747 degradation of glutamate 1 4.16 FGSG_11656 21 0.15 27.73333333 0.035852678 metabolism of valine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 21 0.15 27.73333333 0.035852678 biosynthesis of leucine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 21 0.15 27.73333333 0.035852678 hyphae formation 1 4.16 FGSG_00006 23 0.16 26 0.039202226 16.17 metal binding 4 16.6 FGSG_03548 FGSG_05610 FGSG_06449 FGSG_06450 758 5.48 3.02919708 0.039700392 metabolism of isoleucine 1 4.16 FGSG_00049 25 0.18 23.11111111 0.042540622 " To correct for multiple comparisons in multiple hypothesis testing for the 845 taxonomical allowed FunCats, we calculated the Bonferroni correction as well as the False discovery rate (FDR) control with an experiment-wide significance level alpha of 0.05. The table is sorted by the p-value (k position). You will find as filter the holding criteria B=Bonferroni correction < 0.05, F:p-value < False discovery rate and *:p-value < 0.05."